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2023-10-02 大全 26 作者:考证青年

It was a small and a late one when I … Why do in such a way? Why not like this, and so on... Being a for over 6 years, I’ve made these and you’d have made one too.

当我意识到这是一个很小的时刻,却是一个很晚的时刻……为什么设计师会以这种方式进行设计? 为什么不喜欢这样,依此类推...作为一名设计师已有6年以上的经验,我犯了这些错误,也许您也犯了一个错误。

At times, just want to “” the and get their work done by the day. While on many we a lot of time in or a , when we are to the in the first place — and this leads us to walk our .

有时,设计师只是想“讨好”利益相关者并一天完成他们的工作。 尽管在很多情况下,我们会花费大量时间来搜索或设计解决方案,但是当我们首先需要解决这个问题时,这会使我们误入歧途而没有意识到我们的错误。

Hence, below are few of my some flaws that I , that made me think about my and my that me my UI/UX . I hope this helps in your .


因此,下面是我对偶然发现的一些常见设计缺陷的一些观察,这使我思考了自己的理解和练习,从而帮助我加快了UI / UX设计过程。 我希望这对您的日常设计有所帮助。

1-停止从盗版 (1 — Stop from )

is not easy. up with a in a short time can be , and so we look for and copy them the same. As a you need to stop and try to a work into your own .

创造力并不容易。 在短时间内提出设计可能很困难,因此我们寻找参考文献并将其复制。 作为设计师,您需要停止窃,并尝试将参考作品修改为您自己的设计。

I agree — are not born with to , or with some color . also need to work hard on their craft, and learn like else does. , as a it is OK to copy and hone your from Pros. It’s the right way to learn when you do not have an .

我同意-设计师并非天生就具有创造华丽界面的天生能力,也不具备某些特殊的色彩心理。 设计师还需要像其他人一样努力工作,尝试和学习。 虽然,作为新手设计师,可以从Pros复制和磨练您的技能。 当您没有行业观点时,这是学习的正确方法。

That said, as a you will agree to one thing that, we all take UI from , , etc. In my , our as an . It is one thing to get but it’s thing to copy paste else’s . Its good to get ‘’ () from , like your — you will fall in love with their work, their style of , color , and more… but think this, their & style might not be to the you are .

就是说,作为设计师,您有一定的经验会同意一件事,我们都采用,,等人的UI参考资料。在我看来,我们的参考资料应继续作为一种启发。 受到启发是一回事,而完全复制粘贴他人的设计则是另一回事。 从您喜欢的设计师等人那里获得“启发” (激励)总是一件好事—您将永远爱上他们的工作,他们的设计风格,调色板,交互等等…… 但是请考虑一下,他们的设计语言和风格不一定适合您要构建的产品。

Copy UIs will save your time and a non- would never . But : Why? — after years being a , if is still your way then, my , it’s time to bring some . The is an , one in which you need to give time and train your mind. Once you your block, you will come up with even with the of ‘icon’.

复制粘贴UI可以节省您的时间,非设计人员永远不会注意到。 但认真的说:为什么? -在担任设计师多年之后,如果仍然窃仍然是您的方式,那么我的朋友,现在该带来一些改变了。 创作过程是一种练习,您需要花时间和训练自己的思维。 克服创意障碍后,即使使用最短的“图标”,您也会想到与众不同的东西。





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