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2023-10-02 大全 27 作者:考证青年

this : You’re a user . You’ve been for a few years. You’ve made your mark as a solid with a for your and as a Jedi when it comes to . Yes, there are areas you’re on, but all in all you feel about your chops.

想象一下这种情况:您是用户体验设计师。 你已经练习了几年了。 您已经赢得了可靠的设计师的称号,并以您的信息架构技能而著称,而在方面则成为绝地武士。 是的,您正在研究某些领域,但是总的来说,您对自己的设计工作充满信心。

Then one day, your boss is out of the and you’re asked to join a big, - in their . You have two : you (a) that the be until your boss , or (b) agree to step up and see how you can help. Being the , you are, you the .


然后有一天,您的老板出乎意料地不在办公室,您被要求参加一个缺席的大型重要会议。 您有两种选择:要么(a)建议将会议推迟到老板回来之后,要么(b)同意加紧努力,看看可以如何提供帮助。 作为您积极主动,乐于助人的人,您选择后者。

When you get to the , you see some faces you don’t but to piece that the is with leads from other : , Sales, , , , etc. Half an hour goes by and you’re still to out what the is about. So many ... OKRs, KTLO, ARPUs, DAUs over MAUs. Terms like burn rate, , cost, tech debt. It’s as they’re a . You have no idea how to to the and how you even got here. You plot ways you might exit the early: A onset of maybe? A time- need to re- your pens by color? No, they ’t . , you with your email you don’t get on to a .


当您参加会议时,您会看到一些不认识的面Kong,但设法弄清会议是来自其他学科的领导:工程,销售,产品,市场营销,测试等。半个小时过去了,您仍在努力弄清谈话的内容。 如此多的缩写词... OKR,KTLO,ARPU,DAU超过MAU。 诸如燃烧率,转换,机会成本,技术债务之类的术语。 好像他们在说外语。 您不知道如何为对话做出贡献,也不知道您如何来到这里。 您会以各种不同的方式来提前退出会议:也许阑尾炎突然发作? 有时间敏感性的需要按颜色重新排列美光笔吗? 不,他们可能不会理解。 相反,您会分散自己的电子邮件,希望自己不会被邀请回答问题。

How did you go from , to you were to this by ? aside a dose of , how is it that you felt so for this day?

您如何从信心十足的能力转变为想知道您是否被错误地邀请参加这次会议? 抛开一剂健康的冒名顶替综合症 ,您对这一天的准备感觉如何呢?





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