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HVAC on the Move: Land, Air

2023-11-26 大全 26 作者:考证青年


It’s a hot day and you head out the door and rush down the to catch the bus. and , you climb the bus to be with cool air . What’s than the cool by air in the heat? and in cars, , and buses make our and much more , but it’s not an easy task and each mode of . and air in does more than us while from point A to B, it also plays an role under the sea and in outer space as well. Let’s the that makes and on the move .

HVAC on the Road Again


The air in our cars are run by the cars’

a car in the air can make for a , so and safe on the road makes all the . is also while in the . The air in a car is with the of the to drive the in place of an motor. are that pass hot fluid the tube of a heat the fluid and cabin air. on the way to work or out for an drive, we can thank these for us happy.

HVAC on Track –


Train HVAC

While train and HVAC are less , they under basic and get the job done. HVAC in are often of multi unit and on top of the train or the floor in the , they can also be on the side of the train as well. The can also be split so that is from the the cabin and heat is from the floor. HVAC must be at on cars not only to air to but also for in case of a fire or other .


Air can make all the on your daily

The HVAC on the Bus Goes Round and Round – Buses


Basic bus HVAC

Buses are an easy and way to get long or just the city. Air on buses to those on , but there are . HVAC units on buses are on the top or rear of the bus with the being run by the as in cars. In years, roof units have grown in due to their . to the and rough road can take their toll on the of a bus HVAC , so the is to the of the HVAC .


a bus can be a life saver!

the Skies –


Air packs on an

There seems to be a of cool air on , but how do these HVAC keep us ? Air in are 2 types of ECS ( ). ACM (Air Cycle ) are ideal for large with a of bleed air, or air by the , to be used as a for . Less VCM (Vapor Cycle ) use for and are for with air bleed . On large , the and are all in what is known as an air ‘pack’. The pack will such as a flow valve, a by-pass valve, , a unit and the ACM or VCM.

Vapor from cool air the cabin of an



The Space has a in place for and

The HVAC above are all we have . But what about HVAC…in space? Space and like ISS also need to keep their and safe. To begin with, MLI (Multi Layer ) plays a major role in on a . MLI the level of heat with the help of thin of . fluid loop heat run with pumps are in the on and have such as into other , , and the to high in heat. Small are also used to heat as well as the that into the ship to heat to the .

The HVAC –


The basic of a HVAC

Let’s also take a under the sea to have a look at how is in 。 There is only a small of space for in a , but the inner hull, heat is being by such as , , , and even 。 With this heat, is also being 。 Only a few cubic feet of space is for air , but air is not only for the of the but to this level of 。

The at which the air with is the ‘dew point’ and this dew point must be to limit the of on board the 。 To this, air from the is drawn by fans into an that from the air and that water is away and in a tank away from the of the 。 The drier, air is to the of the for a drier and 。


space in a room for an HVAC

Air can be found in we may have never even . HVAC on our many forms of have truly our daily . The next time you’re your , keep your cool. Just there are of HVAC deep the sea or even out in space!





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