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2023-11-30 大全 27 作者:考证青年

It’s as as this:


The great Dale knew what he was about and it just so to apply to a UX case study.

伟大的作家戴尔·卡内基(Dale )知道他在说什么,正好恰好适用于UX案例研究。

“Tell the what you’re going to say, say it; then tell them what you’ve said.” — Dale

“告诉观众您要说的,说出来; 然后告诉他们你说的话。” - 戴尔卡耐基

步骤1:说出您要说的话。 (Step 1: Say what you’re going to say.)

So what do I mean by this?


This is where you the to the case study. You’re and them for what they’re about to read. Here, you’re them a taste of what they’re going to dig into. In , you’re, “ what you’re going to say.”

在这里您可以向读者介绍案例研究。 您正在为它们准备阅读并准备它们。 在这里,您让他们领略了他们将要研究的内容。 本质上,您是在说“您要说的话”。

This is short, but, it gives you a to paint a of where you’re the and what role you in the . Get to the point . This is where you hook them, grab their , and make them care to read on.

本节很短,但是,它使您有机会绘制路线图,以了解读者的位置以及在接下来的过程中您扮演的角色。 快速到达重点。 在这里,您可以吸引他们,吸引他们的注意力,并让他们继续阅读。

them that , if they’ll stick it out with you, you’re going to show them how you this .



That’s it — don’t here — Move on to step 2.


步骤2:说出来。 (Step 2: Say it.)



Now, you have to hold true to what you in step 1. You need to get to the point and get on with the nitty- of the case study. This is where you, in , “Say it.”

现在,您必须坚持在步骤1中所做的承诺。您需要直截了当并继续进行案例研究的精髓。 本质上,这就是您“说出来”的地方。

So what do you say?


This is where you talk about all the magic that the . This is the story, the guts, and the flow of the work. Great have parts: A , a , and an end.

在这里,您可以讨论整个项目中发生的所有魔术。 这就是作品的故事,胆量和叙事流程。 精彩的故事包含简单的部分:开始,高潮和结束。

In here, we’re ’ , the and you faced by or with your team, and we’re a clear look into your UX . You’re the on a human- .

在这里,我们在谈论可交付成果,您自己或团队所面临的挑战和障碍,并且我们正在对您的UX流程进行清晰的了解。 您正在将读者带入以人为本的设计历程。

I can’t tell you how many fancy to , nor can I how much copy will be or too much. What I can say is that the power is you to get it and see if it feels right.

我无法告诉您要包​​含多少张精美图片,也无法规定多少副本足够或太多。 我能说的是,您有力量将它编写出来,看看它是否感觉正确。


Read it back to times. it aloud. it. I you, if you don’t, your will and flop when you try to back in an or .

多次读回自己。 记录自己大声阅读。 记住。 我向您保证,如果您不这样做,当您试图在面试或演讲中反省时,您的舌头会变得虚弱无力。

If you shut your , can you tell the story of your case study? That’s the real .

如果您关闭笔记本电脑,能否讲述您的案例研究的故事? 那才是真正的问题。

When you can move on to step 3.


步骤3:说出您的意思。 (Step 3: Say what you said.)

Okay, time to wrap up. This is where you bring for a . It’s your for and . what it is that you told them. In , you’re going to, “Say what you said.” But, don’t use the same as in step 2.

好了,是时候整理一下了。 在这里,您可以将所有内容组合在一起,以获得出色的效果。 这是您进行反思和回顾的部分。 总结一下你告诉他们的是什么。 本质上,您将要说“说什么”。 但是,请不要使用与步骤2中相同的修饰语。

How is that ? Talk about the that came as a of the work. Talk about how you and what you . Talk and you or the team faced and .

那怎么可能? 谈论工作带来的见解。 谈论您如何学习和学到了 什么 。 谈论您或团队面临和克服的结果和挑战。

it was the case, don’t give the that went off so and a hitch. I’m sure that wasn’t the case. and are okay to and in fact, they are the sauce to the of a over time. Your to write about them shows of and .

除非绝对是这样,否则不要给人以为一切进行得如此美丽而顺利的印象。 我非常确定情况并非如此。 可以包括失败和失望,实际上,它们是随着时间的推移不断改进产品的秘诀。 您撰写这些文章的能力显示出品格和诚实。

As a final for the , their needs here as you close. What would be a for them to know about you and how you work? How might you the & here, one last time they go?

作为读者的最后总结,在关闭时请考虑他们的需求。 对于他们来说,关于您以及您的工作方式,有什么值得纪念的地方? 您如何在这里最后一次提出问题和解决方案?





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