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2023-12-11 大全 30 作者:考证青年





智能优化算法 神经网络预测 雷达通信 无线传感器 电力系统

信号处理 图像处理 路径规划 元胞自动机 无人










Documentation: Wind rose as a scatter plotTable of Contents Example 1: Individual sensors records on a single wind rose Example 2: Three-variate wind rose Example 1: Individual sensors records on a single wind rose Multiple sensors are consdiered. However, only 2 variables are represented.  Here we show the wind direction and the mean wind speed for 4 different wind sensorsclearvars;close all;clc;Nsensors =4; % number of wind sensorsNsamples = 100; % number of samplesCOLOR = {'r','b','k','c','m','g'}; % color choice% generation of recordsDir =[180,270,0,90]'*ones(1,Nsamples)+20.*randn(Nsensors,Nsamples); % #1 Mean wind directionU = abs(1.*randn(Nsensors,Nsamples)+ ones(Nsensors,1)*linspace(5,20,Nsamples)); %#2 Mean wind  speedname_U = '$\overline{u}$ (ms$^{-1}$)'; % #4 name of variable U% plot the wind rosejj=1;figurefor ii=1:Nsensors,    h{ii} = ScatterWindRose(Dir(ii,:),U(ii,:),'labelY',name_U);    set(h{ii},'Marker','o','markerfacecolor',...        COLOR{ii},'markeredgecolor','k')  hold on    leg{jj} = ['sensor ',num2str(jj)];    jj=jj+1;endset(gcf,'color','w');legend([h{:}],leg,'location','NorthEastOutside');% put axis and text on topth1 = findobj(gcf,'Type','text');th2 = findobj(gcf,'Type','line');for jj = 1:length(th1),    uistack(th1(jj),'top');endfor jj = 1:length(th2),    uistack(th2(jj),'top');end% Adjust font size and nameset(findall(gcf,'-property','FontSize'),'FontSize',10,'fontName','Times') Example 2: Three-variate wind roseThree variables are used hereafter:The mean wind speed (Based on the 4 wind sensors from Example 1)The turbulence intensity (TI)The wind direction (Based on the 4 wind sensors from Example 1)% TI is defined as:TI =abs(0.05+abs(1./U)+0.03.*randn(size(U))); % #3 TI% force column vectors: % we are not longer interested in identifying the sensorsDir = Dir(:);U=U(:);TI = TI(:)*100;%  We only want to look at TI lower than 30 %indTI = find(TI>30);U(indTI)=NaN;% set limits and labelslimU = [min(U),max(U)]; % #3 limites for the wind speedname_U = '$\overline{u}$ (ms$^{-1}$)'; % #4 name of variable Uname_IU = 'TI (\%)'; % #4 name of variable IU% plot the datafigure[h,c] = ScatterWindRose(Dir,U,'Ylim',limU,'labelY',name_U,'labelZ',name_IU,'Z',TI);% c is the colorbr handle% h is the scatter handle% put axis and text on topth1 = findobj(gcf,'Type','text');th2 = findobj(gcf,'Type','line');for jj = 1:length(th1)    uistack(th1(jj),'top');endfor jj = 1:length(th2)    uistack(th2(jj),'top');end% Adjust the width of the colorbarx1=get(gca,'position');x=get(c,'Position');x(4)= c.Position(4)/3; % three times thinner than initiallyset(c,'Position',x)set(gca,'position',x1)% Adjust font size and nameset(findall(gcf,'-property','FontSize'),'FontSize',10,'fontName','Times')

function [varargout] =ScatterWindRose(X,Y,varargin)%%% [varargout] =ScatterWindRose(X,Y,varargin) creates a scatter polar plot% with 2 to 3 variables as input%%% Input:%varargin:1 to 6 inputs :% #1 Direction ; type: float ; size: [1 x N] in DEGREES% #2 variable associated to direction (ex: speed); type: float; size: [1 x N]% #3 limits associated to #2; type: float ; size [1x2] -> if empty variable '[]' is written, the [min(#2),max(#2)] is used% #4 name of variable #2; type: string;% #5 variable associated to #2 and #1; type: float; size: [1 x N]% #6 name of variable #5; type: string;%%% Syntax : % [hpol] =ScatterWindRose(Dir,U)% [hpol,c] =ScatterWindRose(Dir,U)%% OUTPUT%optionals:% varargout{1}: scatter handle% varargout{2}: colorbar handle% %% Author info%Author: E. Cheynet, UiB, Norway% Last modified: 2020-06-25%% Input parser% Number of outputs must be >=3and <=4.nargoutchk(0,2)% force columns vectorsX = X(:);    Y=Y(:);X(X<0)=X(X<0)+360;[cax,~,~] = axescheck(X);% options: default valuesp = inputParser();p.CaseSensitive = false;p.addOptional('Z',[]);p.addOptional('Ylim',[min(Y),max(Y)]);p.addOptional('labelZ','');p.addOptional('labelY','');p.addOptional('myMarker','+');p.addOptional('myColor','k');% p.addOptional('plotType','scatter');p.parse(varargin{:});% shorthen the variables namelabelZ = p.Results.labelZ;labelY = p.Results.labelY;Z = p.Results.Z(:);myMarker = p.Results.myMarker;myColor  = p.Results.myColor;Ylim = p.Results.Ylim;% plotType = p.Results.plotType;%% Check errorsif Ylim(1)>Ylim(2),    warning('you have specified Ylim(1)>Ylim(2); The two limits are flipped so that Ylim(1)elseif Ylim(1)==Ylim(2),    error('you have specified Ylim(1)=Ylim(2). You need to choose Ylim(1)~=Ylim(2).');endif isnumeric(labelZ),    error('labelZ must be a string');endif isnumeric(labelY),    error('labelY must be a string');endif ischar(X) || ischar(Y)    error('MATLAB:polar:InvalidInputType', 'Input arguments must be numeric.');endif ~isequal(size(X),size(Y))    error('MATLAB:polar:InvalidInput', 'X and Y must be the same size.');end%% Initialisation of figure% get hold statecax = newplot(cax);if ~ishold(cax);    % make a radial grid    hold(cax,'on');    % Get limits    Ymax = Ylim(2);    Ymin = Ylim(1);    % limits from Ymin to Ymax    X = X(Y>= Ymin & Y<=Ymax);    % limit from Zmin to Zmax, if variable Z is included    if ~isempty(Z),        Z = Z(Y>= Ymin & Y<=Ymax);    end    Y = Y(Y>= Ymin & Y<=Ymax);        %% Create circles and radius    % define a circle    Ncirc = 4;    createCircles(Ncirc,Ymax,Ymin,labelY)    % create radius    createRadius(Ymax,Ymin)    % set view to 2-D    view(cax,2);    % set axis limits    axis(cax,(Ymax-Ymin)*[-1 1 -1.15 1.15]);    setappdata( cax, 'rMin', Ymin );else    %Try to find the inner radius of the current axis.    if (isappdata ( cax, 'rMin' ) )        Ymin = getappdata(cax, 'rMin' );    else        Ymin = 0;    endend%%                  --------------------------%                         PLOT the data%                   --------------------------% transform data to Cartesian coordinates.xx = (Y - Ymin).*cosd(90-X);yy = (Y - Ymin).*sind(90-X);% plot data on top of gridif ~isempty(Z),    h = scatter(xx,yy,25,Z,'filled');    set(h,'MarkerEdgeColor','k')    c =colorbar;    set(c,'location','NorthOutside','TickLabelInterpreter','latex');    title(c,labelZ,'interpreter','latex')else    h = plot(xx,yy,[myMarker,myColor]);endif nargout == 1    varargout{1} = h;elseif nargout == 2    varargout{1} = h;    varargout{2} = c;endset(cax,'dataaspectratio',[1 1 1]), axis(cax,'off');set(get(cax,'xlabel'),'visible','on')set(get(cax,'ylabel'),'visible','on')set(gcf,'color','w');uistack(h, 'bottom')%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Nested functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    function createCircles(Ncirc,Ymax,Ymin,labelY)        theta = linspace(0,360,100);        xunit = cosd(theta);        yunit = sind(theta);        cos_scale = cosd(-20);        sin_scale = sind(-20);        % draw radial circles        for ii = 1:Ncirc            if ii                COLOR = [0.5,0.5,0.5];            else                COLOR = [0.2 0.2 0.2];            end            line(xunit*ii.*(Ymax-Ymin)./Ncirc,...                yunit*ii.*(Ymax-Ymin)./Ncirc,'color',COLOR,...                'linestyle','-');            if ii >= Ncirc,                text(ii.*(Ymax-Ymin)./Ncirc.*cos_scale,...                    ii.*(Ymax-Ymin)./Ncirc.*sin_scale, ...                    [' ',num2str((Ymin+ii.*(Ymax-Ymin)./Ncirc),2),' ',...                    '   ',...                    labelY],'verticalalignment','bottom','interpreter','latex');            else                text(ii.*(Ymax-Ymin)./Ncirc.*cos_scale,...                    ii.*(Ymax-Ymin)./Ncirc.*sin_scale, ...                    [' ',num2str((Ymin+ii.*(Ymax-Ymin)./Ncirc),2)],...                    'verticalalignment','bottom','interpreter','latex');            end        end    end    function createRadius(Ymax,Ymin)        % origin aligned with the NORTH        thetaLabel = [[90,60,30],[360:-30:120]];        theta = 0:30:360;        cs = [-cosd(theta); cosd(theta)];        sn = [-sind(theta); sind(theta)];        line((Ymax-Ymin)*cs,(Ymax-Ymin)*sn,'color',[0.5,0.5,0.5],...            'linestyle','-')        % annotate spokes in degrees        rt = 1.1*(Ymax-Ymin);        for iAngle = 1:numel(thetaLabel),            if theta(iAngle) ==0,                text(rt*cosd(theta(iAngle)),rt*sind(theta(iAngle)),'E',...                    'horizontalalignment','center');            elseif theta(iAngle) == 90,                text(rt*cosd(theta(iAngle)),rt*sind(theta(iAngle)),'N',...                    'horizontalalignment','center');            elseif theta(iAngle) == 180,                text(rt*cosd(theta(iAngle)),rt*sind(theta(iAngle)),'W',...                    'horizontalalignment','center');            elseif theta(iAngle) == 270,                text(rt*cosd(theta(iAngle)),rt*sind(theta(iAngle)),'S',...                    'horizontalalignment','center');            else                text(rt*cosd(theta(iAngle)),rt*sind(theta(iAngle)),int2str(abs(thetaLabel(iAngle))),...                    'horizontalalignment','center');            end        end            endend

⛳️ 运行结果

参考文献 部分理论引用网络文献,若有侵权联系博主删除 关注我领取海量电子书和数学建模资料 私信完整代码和数据获取及论文数模仿真定制 1 各类智能优化算法改进及应用 生产调度、经济调度、装配线调度、充电优化、车间调度、发车优化、水库调度、三维装箱、物流选址、货位优化、公交排班优化、充电桩布局优化、车间布局优化、集装箱船配载优化、水泵组合优化、解医疗资源分配优化、设施布局优化、可视域基站和无人机选址优化 2 机器学习和深度学习方面 卷积神经网络(CNN)、LSTM、支持向量机(SVM)、最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)、极限学习机(ELM)、核极限学习机(KELM)、BP、RBF、宽度学习、DBN、RF、RBF、DELM、、TCN实现风电预测、光伏预测、电池寿命预测、辐射源识别、交通流预测、负荷预测、股价预测、PM2.5浓度预测、电池健康状态预测、水体光学参数反演、NLOS信号识别、地铁停车精准预测、变压器故障诊断 2.图像处理方面 图像识别、图像分割、图像检测、图像隐藏、图像配准、图像拼接、图像融合、图像增强、图像压缩感知 3 路径规划方面 旅行商问题(TSP)、车辆路径问题(VRP、MVRP、CVRP、VRPTW等)、无人机三维路径规划、无人机协同、无人机编队、机器人路径规划、栅格地图路径规划、多式联运运输问题、车辆协同无人机路径规划、天线线性阵列分布优化、车间布局优化 4 无人机应用方面 无人机路径规划、无人机控制、无人机编队、无人机协同、无人机任务分配、无人机安全通信轨迹在线优化 5 无线传感器定位及布局方面 传感器部署优化、通信协议优化、路由优化、目标定位优化、Dv-Hop定位优化、Leach协议优化、WSN覆盖优化、组播优化、RSSI定位优化 6 信号处理方面 信号识别、信号加密、信号去噪、信号增强、雷达信号处理、信号水印嵌入提取、肌电信号、脑电信号、信号配时优化 7 电力系统方面 微电网优化、无功优化、配电网重构、储能配置 8 元胞自动机方面 交通流 人群疏散 病毒扩散 晶体生长 9 雷达方面 卡尔曼滤波跟踪、航迹关联、航迹融合





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