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outlook skype_如何使用Outlook

2023-12-23 大全 22 作者:考证青年


Skype is one of those that’s loved and hated in equal . If you find that you ‘have’ to use it it is the only way some of your will , you’ll be that it’s no to have a – it can all be done from a … with a .

Skype是受到同等喜爱和憎恶的服务之一。 如果您发现自己“必须”使用它,因为它是某些联系人进行交流的唯一方式,那么您将很高兴不再需要安装消息传递客户端,这一切都可以在浏览器中完成…安装了插件。

’s Note: I’m not sure that there’s much of a using Skype on the and via a in the . way, you’re … so it’s up to you you want to do this or that.

编者注:我真的不确定在桌面上使用Skype和通过浏览器中的插件有很大区别。 无论哪种方式,您都在安装软件……因此,是否要执行此操作实际上取决于您。

’s of Skype have made it clear that there were going to be on the . If you’re an user, you can chat, and even audio and video calls using the Skype for .

微软对Skype的收购应该清楚地表明即将出现发展。 如果您是用户,则可以使用Skype for 预览聊天,甚至进行音频和视频通话。

The new is made the use of a , and this is for , and . If you’re using such as Opera or , you’re going to have to stick with the main Skype app.

通过使用插件可以使用该新功能,并且 ,和也可以使用此新功能。 如果您使用的是Opera或等其他浏览器,则必须坚持使用主要的Skype应用程序。

Start by over to the Skype and click the ‘Sign in’ link at the top of the page and then click the ‘ ’ link in the ‘Sign in’ .

首先转到Skype网站,然后单击页面顶部的“登录”链接,然后单击“登录”部分中的“ 帐户”链接。

Sign into your . And if you have a Skype with email , you can opt to merge the two – just click the ‘I have a Skype ’ or ‘I’m new to Skype’ .


登录到您的帐户。 如果您已经有一个与另一个电子邮件地址相关联的Skype帐户,则可以选择合并两者-只需单击“我有一个Skype帐户”或“我是Skype的新手”按钮。

Click the ‘Merge ’ after into your .


Now head over to and sign into your . You may find that there is a panel to the right hand side of the page, but if this be seen, click the to the far right of the .

现在转到并登录您的帐户。 您可能会发现在页面的右侧有一个“消息传递”面板可见,但是如果看不到,请单击工具栏最右边的气泡对话框。

Just what you see in the right hand panel will on what you have been using your for so far – you may have it to some other .


the ‘Add to chat to’ , click the ‘Skype ’ link.

在“添加要聊天的人”标题下,单击“ Skype联系人”链接。

As we , is the use of a , and you’ll be to it now – just click the ‘Get ’ .



Click ‘I agree – ’ and you’ll be to the Skype . This takes the form of a .msi file that needs to be and .

单击“我同意–继续”,您将被定向到Skype插件下载。 这采用.msi文件的形式,需要下载并执行。

When the is , close the popup and to . You may need to the page and re- the .

安装完成后,关闭弹出窗口并返回到。 您可能需要刷新页面并重新启用消息传递侧栏。

Click in the bar and a list of will be shown for you to from – of you can also a for .


Click a name and you can start a text-based chat.


At the top of the pane are to start an audio or video call. Click one of these and a pop out will be used to house your chat with a Skype app-style look.

消息窗格顶部是启动音频或视频通话的按钮。 单击其中一个,将使用一个单独的弹出窗口来容纳具有Skype应用程序样式外观的聊天记录。



tags: skype





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