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2023-12-30 大全 26 作者:考证青年

Apple’s and have a for being . While it’s true that their are all high end (and ), they’re ( and other aside). But if you want to pinch a few , there are still ways to save money on Apple .

苹果的计算机和手机因价格昂贵而享有盛誉。 虽然他们的产品都是高端产品(并据此定价), 但实际上它们很少被客观地高估 (除了加密狗和其他配件)。 但是,如果您想花几分钱,仍然可以通过Apple产品省钱

You’re never going to buy a brand new Mac for a price would call cheap—Apple are in high , and fetch high even on the used . But you can at least keep a bit of extra cash in your if you know where (and when) to look.

您永远都不会以任何人都可以认为便宜的价格购买一台全新的Mac —苹果产品始终需求旺盛,即使在二手市场上也能获得很高的价格。 但是,如果您知道要看的地方(和时间),至少可以在口袋里保留一些额外现金

购买翻新 (Buy )

Apple has a great . If an Apple is for any —and not to bits—they it and put it up for sale at a . You can save about 15-20% off the cost of a brand new model, for an . This isn’t like used; any you buy from Apple goes and comes with the same one year . You can even sign up for , if you want - .

苹果有一个很棒的翻新计划。 如果出于任何原因(没有砸碎)归还Apple设备,则它们将完全翻新并以网上折扣价出售 。 对于几乎无法区分的产品,您可以节省大约15-20%的全新型号成本。 这不像二手货。 您从Apple购买的所有翻新产品均经过严格的测试,并具有相同的一年保修。 如果您想要更持久的保护,甚至可以注册。

The with is that there are only a of for sale at any given time. It just on what’s been . Right now, for , the most you can buy the is the 6S. The is a bit with Macs, but there’s still not the same level of you get if you buy new or used.

购买翻新产品时最大的问题是,在任何给定时间,只有少量的待售设备可供选择。 这仅取决于返回的内容。 例如,现在,尽管程序是6S,但您可以购买的最新。 Mac电脑的选择更好一些,但是如果您购买新的或二手的,选择的程度仍然不一样。

As long as you can find what you’re for, a from Apple works great. I’ve done it and it .

只要您能找到想要的东西,直接从Apple购买翻新产品就很好。 我自己做了,并全力推荐。

购买二手 (Buy Used)

If the are still too high for you, it’s time to take a step down into the used . used will get you the best price on a , and Apple are no .If you’re to do a bit of , you might be able to get a great deal.


如果翻新价格对您来说仍然太高,那么该是进入二手市场的时候了。 用过的购买总是可以为您提供产品的最佳价格 ,Apple产品也不例外。 如果您准备好做些腿法工作,则可能会得到很多帮助。

There is one small here: Apple hold their value a lot than most other .On , you can buy a used SIM-free 6S with 32GB of for $260 and $300, to a brand new one for $449 from Apple(or a one in those two , if and when it’s ). So while you’ll save money, the won’t be as as, say, or .

这里有一个小问题:苹果产品的转售价值比大多数其他电子产品要好得多。 在上 ,您可以购买二手的无SIM卡的 6S,具有32GB的存储空间,价格在260美元至300美元之间,相比之下, 全新的 6S 从Apple 零售 价为449美元 (如果有的话,也可以在这两个数字之间的某个位置翻新) )。 因此,尽管您可以省钱,但折扣不会像笔记本电脑或游戏配件那样疯狂。

In , while you’re a fair of cash, you’re out on the and other that come with a new phone. So used can save you money, you just need to make sure that you’re that it’s worth it. Make sure to check how much of a you’re to any deal.

此外,在节省大量现金的同时,您还会失去购买新手机带来的保修和其他好处。 因此,购买二手货当然可以节省您的钱,您只需要确保您节省了足够的钱即可。 在同意任何交易之前,请务必检查您将获得多少折扣。

旅行时购买 (Buy While You )

Apple doesn’t have one set price the world. It based on the rate, local taxes, what are to pay, and a host of other . This means that if you’re , you might save a bit of cash by up a new while you’re away.

苹果在世界范围内没有一个固定的价格。 它根据汇率,地方税,人们准备支付的费用以及许多其他因素而变化。 这意味着,如果您在旅途中,可以在出门时拿起新来节省一些现金。

is a that you to work out where the place in the world is for you to buy any Apple . is , so I can save quite a bit of money if I buy while I’m in the , if I do so in a state with or no sales tax. Just make sure there aren’t any your ’s and the in the you’re (like on a Mac).

是一项服务,使您可以确定世界上最便宜的地方是您可以购买任何Apple产品的地方。 爱尔兰非常昂贵,因此,如果我在拜访美国的朋友时买东西,我可以节省很多钱,尤其是在没有或几乎没有营业税的州这样做的时候。 只要确保您所在国家/地区的产品与所访问国家/地区的版本之间没有任何严重差异(例如Mac上的键盘布局)即可。

While you won’t save money while you , it’s worth a look if you’re a big . If you’ve got in New , it might be worth your while to sync up your Mac- with your next visit.

虽然您旅行时不一定总能省钱,但是如果您计划进行大量购买,则值得一看。 如果您在新罕布什尔州有家人,那么可能值得您花点时间将Mac购买与下次访问同步。

使用教育折扣 (Use the )

Apple an on Macs and iPads to , and . It’s not a huge (you can save $50 to $100 on a new Pro, for ), but it’s . You’ll need some proof that you’re in (or work in ), but you can also fake it by to buy a Mac for your , , or else you know who has a card.

苹果公司为大学生,教职员工和教师提供 Macs和iPads 教育折扣 。 这不是一个很大的数目(例如,您可以在新的 Pro上节省50至100美元),但这是一笔不小的数目。 您将需要一些证明您正在接受教育(或从事教育工作)的证据,但您也可以假装为您的堂兄妹,邻居或任何您知道有学生证的人购买Mac,以此来伪造它。

返校期间购买促销 (Buy the Back to )

Apple doesn’t do sales, but they have one sale the year: the Back to every and . On top of the above, Apple in extra like free Beats . You won’t save much more money, but you get extra free stuff that you could sell for cash if you .

Apple并没有真正进行销售,但是在这一年中,他们有一项可靠的销售:每年八月和九月的“返校促销”。 除了上述教育折扣外,Apple还提供了额外的奖励措施,例如免费的Beats耳机。 您不会省很多钱,但是您会得到额外的免费东西,如果需要的话,可以将其出售为现金。

在其他地方寻找销售 (Look for Sales )

While Apple doesn’t do sales, that doesn’t mean that other don’t do them. This year, for , , Best Buy, and are all deals on Apple Black . They range from —$120 off an iPad Pro at —to free gift cards—$300 gift card with an 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus or X at .

尽管Apple不进行销售,但这并不意味着其他商店也没有进行销售。 例如,今年,,百思买和沃尔玛都在黑色星期五期间提供有关Apple产品的交易 。 折扣的范围从打折(的iPad Pro优惠120美元)到免费礼品卡(沃尔玛的 7、7 Plus,8、8 Plus或X礼品卡300美元)。

These sales are and what you’ll get and where will the year. As long as you don’t need a new phone right at that , it might be worth out a few to see if a for some event.

这些销售显然是季节性的,您将获得什么折扣以及全年将在何处变化。 只要您此时不需要新手机,就值得花几个月的时间来看看是否有某个活动可以打折。

如果您要购买,请考虑苹果的升级计划 ( Apple’s If You’re an )

Our site Geek took a deep look at Apple’s and came away —as long as you want + and to to the model every year. The is that of all in one go, your are out . While this doesn’t save you money, many find it a lot to pay out $34.50 a month, than plonk down $700 in one go.

只要您想要 +并每年升级到最新型号,我们的姊妹网站 Geek就对Apple的升级计划进行了深入研究,并留下深刻的印象。 区别在于,您的付款不是每月一次性付款,而是每月分配。 虽然这并不能严格为您省钱,但许多人发现每月支付34.50美元要容易得多,而不是一次性支出700美元。

While you’re never going to buy a cheap X ( it’s “ off the back of a truck,” which we don’t ), you can save money on most Apple as long as you’re to jump a hoop or two. It’s not quite the easy of into an Apple Store with a card in your hand, but it’s not too .

尽管您永远不会购买便宜的 X(除非它不被“倒在卡车上”,我们不建议这样做),但只要您准备跳伞,就可以在大多数Apple产品上省钱。通过一两个箍。 带着信用卡走进苹果商店并不是一件容易的事,但这也不是一件容易的事。






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