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2024-01-08 大全 38 作者:考证青年


I hear some about “not .” And, to be fair, I have seen who adopt a and then are to make that goal. Over time those get to the where they dust being about .

有时,我会听到一些有关绩效预算“不起作用”的声音。 而且,公平地讲,我见过一些公司采用了预算,但却无法为实现该目标做出有意义的改进。 随着时间的流逝,那些无效的预算被推到了一边,在它们被完全遗忘之前,它们积聚了灰尘。

It’s not about the , . Or , it’s not the idea of that doesn’t work in those cases—it’s the and the .

不过,这实际上与性能预算无关。 或更确切地说,不是绩效预算的想法在这种情况下不起作用,而是预算周围的执行和强化。

My of a has over the years, but here’s my draft:


A is a limit on one or more that the team not to , and that is used to guide and .


It’s a bit , I know, but I think the are . If it’s not , if the team doesn’t all agree not to the , and if it doesn’t get used to guide your work, then it’s a or goal, but not a .

我知道这有点冗长,但是我认为细节很重要。 如果没有明确定义,如果团队没有所有人都同意不超过限制,并且如果它不习惯于指导您的工作,那就是数字或目标,而不是预算。

On the sure seem , but in my with a of at in their , a is one of the most in the way that on a day-to-day basis.


But as who has ever set a on their will tell you, up a doesn’t . To be , a has to be , , , and .

但是,正如曾经为支出设定预算的任何人都会告诉您的那样,仅仅制定预算并不能完成任何事情。 为了有效,绩效预算必须是具体的,有意义的,整合的和强制性的。

具体 ()

Being means that we have to pick a and get about what we’re after.


like “fast as ,” “ than our ,” “-quick” are great, but they’re not . They’re too to and leave too much room.

诸如“尽可能快”,“比我们的竞争对手快”,“闪电般快速”的短语很棒,但并不具体。 他们太容易被解释,留下了太多的回旋余地。

need to be a , - (or , in some cases). For : “We want our start time to be less than 3 at the 90th .”

绩效预算需要是一个明确定义的特定指标(或某些情况下的指标)。 例如:“我们希望开始渲染的时间在90%时小于3秒。”

Or: “When over a 3G on a mid-tier , our Time to be no than 4 .”


You can have , but each of them needs to be very . who joins the team be able to look at them and know what they mean and how to tell how well they’re up.


您可以有多个预算,但是每个预算都必须非常明确地定义。 明天加入团队的人应该能够看清楚他们的意思,以及如何分辨他们的堆叠情况。

有意义的 ()

That (or if you to have ) needs to be if it’s going to stick. You can opt for a on your load time, but if it doesn’t for your and no to the user , it won’t be long don’t care about it. We don’t make sites for the sake of them , we make them it’s for the using our sites and it’s for the .

如果要坚持下去,该指标(或多个指标,如果您选择有多个预算)就必须有意义。 您可以在加载时间上选择性能预算,但是如果它不能为您的业务做任何事情,并且对用户体验没有显着变化,那么很快人们就不会在意它了。 我们不会为了使网站速度更快而使网站速度更快,而是使它们速度更快,因为这对于使用我们网站的人来说更好,对企业也更好。

In the best case , you look at your real user data and find a that has a clear tie to your .


First, some that you pay to. Maybe that’s rate or rate. it is, you want to look for a that has a clear (tools like and be able to help with this).

首先,确定您要注意的一些关键业务指标。 也许就是转换率或跳出率。 不管是什么,你要寻找的是有一个明确的连接(如工具的性能度量和应该能够帮助这个)。

Let’s say rate is for your , and that you find a clear start and the rate on your site (it’s a in my ). It makes sense to set a on your start time and work that. That way you know that if you make your , you a for users and your site’s as well.

假设跳出率对您的组织至关重要,并且您发现开始渲染和站点上的跳出率之间有明确的联系(根据我的经验,这是相当普遍的联系)。 为开始渲染时间设置预算并为此工作可能是有意义的。 这样一来,您便知道,如果您对预算做出改进,则可以为用户创造更好的体验,同时也可以提高网站的效率。

If you don’t have to real user data, you do the best with what you’ve got (while on solid real user data in place). You can look at what have found and your in user- terms to come up with to . Then you can do a of your and some to find a that puts you at the top of the list and gives you a .

如果您无权访问真实用户数据,则可以充分利用自己已有的资源(同时希望努力获得可靠的真实用户数据)。 您可以查看类似公司的发现,并以用户为中心考虑您的表现,以提出可能的指标以进行优先排序。 然后,您可以对组织和一些竞争对手进行一些基准测试,以找到一个目标,该目标将您放在列表的顶部,并为您提供竞争优势。

The need for is also why I using some sort of -based ( or not) as your , than a or like a score. Those can be great , but if they’re not to a goal they’re far less to stick for the long-haul.

对有意义的指标的需求也是为什么我总是建议使用某种基于时间的指标(无论是否定做)作为您的主要绩效预算,而不是权重或诸如分数之类的东西。 这些预算可能是不错的辅助预算,但是如果没有实现更大的目标,那么长期坚持下去的可能性就会大大降低。

集成 ()

Once you have a , it needs to be into your from start to .


Put it into your for any new or page.


it in your so that as are , they’re on how well they’re to the .


the into a set of -based , which are more for and alike their day-to-day work. It’s an , but it’s a step. It a to have some to play with to help them make , fonts, and .

将度量转换为一组基于数量的度量 ,这对于设计人员和开发人员在日常工作中来说都是更切实的。 这是一个近似值,但这是关键的一步。 它使设计人员可以处理一些约束,以帮助他们在不同的图像,字体和功能之间做出决策。

your on the so that is of what they are, and how you’re doing.


The idea is you want to make your , and how you stack up to it, as as to the .


可执行的 ()

Once the is into your , the next step is to make it . Even the most teams are going to make . We need to put the and in place to make sure the doesn’t get .

将预算牢牢地集成到您的工作流程中之后,下一步就是使其可以执行。 即使是最敬业的团队也会犯错。 我们需要进行制衡,以确保预算不会被忽略。

Most tools let you now and will alert team via Slack, email or a when that is . That’s a way of tabs on the , but it can clue you in when goes wrong.

大多数监控工具可让您立即建立预算,并在超出预算时通过Slack,电子邮件或类似格式提醒团队成员。 这是控制预算的一种非常被动的方式,但是当出现问题时,它可以快速提示您。

Even is being and and into your or build .


You can set in ( that will get more soon), for , that are on every pull . You can test using its API.

例如,您可以在中设置自定义预算 (这将很快变得更强大 ),在每个拉取请求中都会对其进行检查。 您可以使用其API 自动针对进行测试。

For a -heavy , using like which you to in your is an must.


hard on your pull can seem , but those can turn into a fun and the way your team their work.


On a of Shop Talk Show, Jason about ’s , X, and their on total size. When a pull for a new would land that added even a few bytes to the of the , would start “code golf”— debt that could be to keep the size under . to the size of the with every pull as they added , a of the usual .

在最近的Shop Talk Show中 ,Jason 谈到了即将发布的版本 X以及它们对库总数的限制。 当对新功能的拉动请求降落,甚至使图书馆的重量增加了几个字节时,人们就会开始玩“代码高尔夫”,这可以找到可以优化的技术债务,以使图书馆的规模保持在预算之内。 贡献者开始致力于在增加功能时通过每次拉取请求来减小库的大小,这与通常情况相反。

支持预算 ( Your )

The point is not to let the try to stand on its own, in dust. You need to be about the a part of your work.

关键不是要让绩效预算自己站起来,而是隐藏在收集灰尘的公司文档中的某个地方。 您需要积极主动地使预算成为您日常工作的一部分。

It’s not just a , but a hard line. It’s a that your team can rally . It and that can help guide the and teams to focus on .

这不仅是数字,而且是强硬路线。 您的整个团队可以团结起来,这是一个统一的目标。 它提供了清晰度和约束条件,可以帮助指导整个工作流程中的决策,并使团队专注于进行有意义的改进。

And, if you make sure it’s , to your users and , into your at every step and in your build , then a can be an part of your .








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