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绿色数据中心空调设计 书评_书评:响应式网页设计

2023-12-04 大全 33 作者:考证青年

绿色数据中心空调设计 书评

Ethan ’s Web is an of what can when an is to write in their own voice about a that they not only in–but that they are using every day. It’s a book but Ethan to fill it full of of and he does so in a , often tone that will make you laugh at one and then force you to the of the next.

Ethan 的响应式Web设计就是一个例子,当一个非常聪明的人被允许用自己的声音写一个他们不仅坚信的技术而且每天都在使用的技术时,会发生什么。 这是一本紧凑的书,但伊桑(Ethan)设法向它填充了很多信息,并且他以一种对话性的,通常是幽默的语调来填写,这会让您嘲笑一个句子,然后强迫您仔细思考下一个句子的含义。

Ethan doesn’t RWD as an end-all-be-all . He it as a (a good one). In his own words:

Ethan并未将RWD视为一种“万事俱备”的方法。 他只是将其表示为一个潜在的解决方案(一个很好的解决方案)。 用他自己的话说:

…more than , web is about the right . And , that’s what web is: a , a way to more fully for the web’s .

…最重要的是,网页设计是要提出正确的问题。 实际上,这就是响应式Web设计的本质:一种可能的解决方案,一种为Web固有的灵活性进行更全面设计的方法。

He does the three main he laid down in his ( , media and fluid grids) but he goes that and some of the had about the , and some to fix those spots. , he “these aren’t with in and of –we just need to the way we’ve it.” In his own and way, he you not just to take a more to your , but to do so with a great deal of care and .

他确实讨论了他在原始文章中提出的三个主要要素(灵活的图像,媒体查询和流体网格),但除此之外,他还承认人们对该方法有一些最初的担忧,并介绍了一些可能解决这些问题的方法麻烦点。 他正确地警告说:“这些并不是响应式设计本身的问题,我们只需要重新考虑实现它的方式即可。” 他以自己令人愉悦的幽默和平易近人的方式向您挑战,不仅要对您的设计采用更敏感的方法,而且还要多加谨慎和周到的考虑。

The final is chock-full of I would like to see in a bit more : , , and first (which will be out in more in Luke’s book) for . That’s not to be a in to this book–the A Book Apart is to be and get you back out and with your newly and the Ethan fits the book, and the of the , . This is just me being and for a of sorts.

最后一章充满了我想看到的话题,例如,响应式资产,上下文和移动优先(将在Luke 即将出版的书中更详细地介绍),这些话题都充满了细节。 无论如何,这都不是本书的精要之处–出色的A Book Apart系列文章旨在简明扼要,让您退缩并使用新近获得的知识,而Ethan所涵盖的内容与本书相符,并且系列,完美。 这只是我的贪婪和渴望某种续集。

绿色数据中心空调设计 书评_书评:响应式网页设计__绿色数据中心空调设计 书评_书评:响应式网页设计

It’s a bit sad to think about, but after all these years, we are just now to the web for what it is–a truly and . I don’t think it is out of line for me to that Ethan’s book will soon be in the same light as books such as ’s with Web –as a book that the way we our and to push us .

这是一个有点悲哀地想,但毕竟这些年来,我们才刚刚开始真正拥抱网络,因为这是 - 个什么真正灵活和可锻铸中。 我认为建议Ethan的书很快就会与 的 with Web 这样的书看待在一起,这并不奇怪,因为这本书挑战了我们实践职业的方式并有助于推动我们前进。

To make a long story short, you would be doing an by not this book. It lives up to the hype and then some.

长话短说,如果不买这本书,那对自己绝对是一种伤害。 它不辜负炒作,然后再继续。


绿色数据中心空调设计 书评





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