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十字军之王3作弊码有哪些 王国风云3全控制台代码分享

2022-09-15 大全 944 作者:考证青年

开启教程:. [//all (: )] - the

关闭教程:. [//all (: )] - the

显示教程调试窗口:. - Shows the debug

角色触发事件:event [] [] - an event for a

为角色触发事件。此选项还会显示事件触发器,但是可能会导致误报错误日志。: [] [] - an event for a . It will also print the event , which can cause some false error logs.

评估是否可以为角色触发事件。此选项还会将事件触发器传至控制台,但是可能会导致误报错误日志。: [] [] - if an event can be for a . It will also print the event to the , which can cause some false error logs.

探索角色文化的创新:() - an for a 's

探索当前对角色文化着迷的创新:() [ ()] - the that is the for a 's

加入一个时代(以及之前的所有时代):() [era] [ ()] - Join a era (and all ones)

发现一个时代(以及时代本身)的所有创新: [era (, is era)] [ ()] - all of a era (and the era )

探索所有时代和所有创新: [ ()] - all eras and all

设定角色的信仰: [faith] [ ()] - Sets the faith of a

在所处的朝代中提升声望: [ (, : 1000)] [ ID (, : )] - Adds to the given

赋予王朝所有特权(默认为当前所扮演角色的王朝):ks [ ()] - Gives a ( 's by ) all perks

记录所有尚未定义loc键的游戏概念: - Logs all game that have not had their loc key

杀死一名角色(默认为当前扮演角色):kill(die) [ ()] - Kill a ( by )

赋予一名角色所有特权(默认为当前扮演角色): [ ()] - Gives a ( by ) all perks

赋予一名角色一项特权(默认为当前扮演角色): [perk] [()[- Gives a ( by ) a perk

开/关是否要立即或正常生育子女: - if be born or as

使AI宣战(根据正常权重),绕过所有步调检查等:AI. [()] - the AI to a war ( to ), all and the like

为此角色生成一个CoA,将其视为王朝替补: [ ()] - a CoA for this as if they were a cadet of their

在一种信仰中加入一项教义: [] [faith()] - Adds a given to a faith

从一种信仰中移除一项教义: [] [faith()] - a given from a faith

增加一项领域法: [law] [()] - Adds a realm law

增加一项领域法,跳过成本和效果,以及当前法律的废除效果: [law] [()] - Adds a realm law, skips the cost and the pass , and the of the law

设定角色的文化: [] [()] - Sets the of a

改变信仰的热情: [()] [faith()] - the of a faith

向角色透露一项机密(默认为当前扮演角色): [type] [()] [()] - Gives a ( by ) a

更改一个县的发展水平,默认为首都:evel [] [()] - the level of a , to

产生指定类型的派系: [] - a of the type

设置指定类型的首个派系的不满: [] []- Sets of the first of the type

指定类型的首个派系发出其需求: [] - The first of the type sends its

将该池有关的统计信息转存至'logs/.csv': - Dump about the pool to 'logs/.csv'

将该池有关的统计信息转存至'logs/tats.csv': - Dump about the pool to 'logs/tats.csv'

每天加快(帧率降低): - (lower frame rate)

一个省的单位移动:() - units move one each day

开/关是否要屏蔽所有消息(提示/通知): - if all (/) be

开/关是否要压缩存档:on - if saves be

为当前日期的所有书签字符写入人像数据:its - data for all at date

显示关于ai的分析数据: - data about ai

清除人像缓存。强制所有人像刷新:. - the cache. all to

打开人像编辑器:(pe) - Open the

在光标位置生成指定实体: [ name] [state ()]- at

清除使用命令生成的实体: - with

为游戏的地图对象生成定位器:. [type] ] ()] - for the game's map

显示地图对象调试信息:.Debug - out map debug

显示相机调试信息:.Debug - out debug

保存相机位置:.Save - Save

加载相机位置:.Load - Load

使用特定的颜色模式保存地图的png:Map. [map mode] [file name] [yes/no flat ()] - Save a png of the map with a color mode

重建所有邻接关系:. - all

在2个位置之间生成指定的行: [line name] [start 'x,y,z' (no )] [end x,y,z (no )]> - line 2

清除行: - Clear lines

未定义:. -

未定义: -

复合节点编辑器: - Node

粒子节点编辑器: - Node

显示脚本文档:() -

生成设置GUI: - a GUI

屏幕截图: - Take

生成系统优化GUI:tweak - a GUI

纹理查看器: -

纹理列表: - List

皮肤编辑器:tools.skins - Skin

开/关3D统计: - 3D Stats

列出音频事件:audio. - List audio event

播放音频事件:audio. [Audio event] - Play audio event

显示当前的CPU使用情况:audio. - Shows cpu usage

切换主交换链垂直同步:vsync - main vsync

重新加载纹理:gfx. -

报告所使用的渲染后端: - what is used

设置或获取任务线程数:. [The of task ] - Set or get the of task

模拟崩溃(会导致游戏退出)。:. - a crash ( in the game ).

删除X天前的本地崩溃转储。:. - local crash dumps older than X days.

选择现存gfx皮肤:gfx.skin - gfx skin

创建可停靠:. [ name] -

创建可停靠布局:. [ name] -

生成GUI编辑器: - gui

转储已注册的数据类型: - Dumps the data types

开/关地图编辑器: - map

停止当前播放的曲目:Music. - Stops the track

显示或设置音乐系统的当前权重:Music. - Shows or sets the of the music

播放指定的曲目:Music. [track name] - Plays the track

重置音乐系统:Music.Reset - the music

再次锁定所有成就:Debug.. - Locks all again

显示一个对象浏览器窗口: - Shows an

将xp添加到所有生活方式中: [()] [()] - Adds xp all

将xp添加到指定生活方式中: [()] [()] - Adds xp to the given

将xp添加到指定生活方式中:e_xp [()] [()] - Adds xp to the given

将xp添加到指定生活方式中: [()] [()] - Adds xp to the given

将xp添加到指定生活方式中:le_xp [()] [()] - Adds xp to the given

将xp添加到指定生活方式中:le_xp [()[ [()] - Adds xp to the given

重新加载本地化文件并切换语言: [ name] - files and

重新载入文件: [file name] -

现在是几点?:time - What time is it?

创建一个小型转储: [file path] - a

导致应用程序崩溃:crash - Cause the to crash

切换调试模式: - debug mode

切换释放模式: - mode

创建虚拟小部件。参数为0时,文件名将为gui/debug/.gui,小部件名称将为:GUI.(,) [File name] [ name] - dummy . With 0 the file name will be gui/debug/.gui, and the name will be

清除虚拟小部件:GUI. - Clear dummy

在game.log文件中显示所有控制台命令。: - Print out all to game.log file.

显示所有控制台命令或特定的命令描述。:help [ name] - Print out all or a .

双彩虹协助。: - help.

在控制台和游戏日志中显示版本。: - the to the and the game log.

勾选任意天数: [ of days] - Ticks any of days

日志统计: - Logs

从磁盘上的加载:load [file name] - Load from on disk

检查存档和读档持久性: - Check save and load

将当前的游戏状态保存到磁盘:save [file name] - Saves to disk

重新计算修改器:s [{if an is given, ALL will be }] -

执行效果: [{ }] -

在/run中执行效果文件:run [{ file}] - file in /run

测试触发脚本: [{ }] - Test

发送聊天消息:chat [] - Send chat

更改扮演的角色:play [ ID] -

开始观看比赛:(ob) - Start the game

显示角色:hello [ ID] - Show a

显示历史人物: [ ID] - Show a from

显示头衔: [Title tag] - Show a title

查找头衔: [Title name] - Find a title

选择一个省: [ Id] - a

改变一个县的文化: [ id] [] - of a

将同一种文化的所有县合并为一种新文化: [from ] [to ] - Merge all of one into

增加黄金:gold(cash,dough) [] - Add gold

增加虔诚:(piety) [] - Add piety

增加声望:() [] - Add

将头衔赋予指定角色:(gt) [Title] [ ID (, the by )] - Gives the title to the

宣布该角色获得该头衔:(ac) [ ID (, the by )] [Title] - Gives the a claim on the title

在当前年龄基础上增加年龄:age() [Age] [ ID] - Adds age to the age

显示角色的历史:(hist) [ ID] - Shows the id of a

为角色添加特质:(at) [Trait] [ ID (, to )] - Adds trait to a

设置角色的性别: [] [ ID (, to )] - Sets the of a

显示有关角色所涉及的所有秘密的所有信息:(si) [ ID ()] - Shows all info about all that the is in

移除角色的特质:(rt) [Trait] [ ID (, to )] - trait from a

使角色怀孕:(,) [ id] [ id (0 or empty for no )] [ birth (yes/no)] - Make a

重绘纹章: - coat of arms

一天之内AI会肯定所有事件:(,,ym) - AI will say yes to a day

一天之内AI会否定所有事件:nomen(noman,,nm) - AI will say no to a day

启用监视窗口:watch(ww) - watch

启用AI监视窗口: - ai watch

启用AI战争协调员监视窗口:atch - AI war watch

停留在下一个加载屏幕上:(ls) - Stays on the next load

在日志中显示错误:error - Show in log

测试发送消息: [type] [//goto ] - Test a

显示游戏日志: - Show game log

发现所有针对该玩家的阴谋: - all to the

结束所有针对该玩家的阴谋: - Ends all to the

运行脚本测试: [ ()] - Run tests

强制: - Force OoS

显示事件队列调试: - Print event queue debug

显示事件调试计数: - Print event debug

生成战斗场景中的攻击或防御方: [] [ side] - or side of a

测试脚本化的战斗场景: [] - Test a

测试脚本化的战斗场景: [] [] - Test a

切换角色调试信息的可见性: - the of the debug info.

显示当前的随机日志: - the .

转储OOS信息。: - Dumps OOS info.

输出行省地形文件。: - file.

勾选展开X刻度延展: [ of ticks] - Tick the of for X ticks

列出服务器上的所有玩家: - Lists all on

踢出指定名字的玩家:kick [ name] - Kicks a with the given name

添加脚本化关系: [ name] [] [] - Adds a

删除脚本化关系: [ name] [] [] - a

增加现有压力值: [] [ id ()] - Add the value to

将角色所有基本技能归零,并模拟成长到特定年龄(将改变年龄):s [age] [ id ()] [] - all base and to a age of (will age)

将压力更改为该值: [] [ id ()] - to the value

将值添加至现有恐惧: [dread] [ id ()] - Add the value to dread

将恐惧更改为该值: [dread] [ id ()] - dread to the value

为角色设定焦点: [focus] ]] - Set a focus for the

为角色添加一个被甲武士团: [MAA type] [] [] - Add an men-at-arms to the

清除控制台:clear(clr) - Clear .

重新计算角色的继承:on [ ID] - the of a

启用角色的:AIAI. [ ID] - the AI of a

禁用角色的:AIAI. [ ID] - the AI of a

设定角色的外交: [value] [ ()] - Sets the of a

设置角色的武术: [value] [ ()] - Sets the of a

设置角色的管理: [value] [ ()] - Sets the of a

设置角色的谋略: [value] [ ()] - Sets the of a

设定角色的学问: [value] [ ()] - Sets the of a

设置角色的勇猛: [value] [ ()] - Sets the of a

改变角色的外交: [value] [ ()] - the of a

改变角色的武术: [value] [ ()] - the of a

更改角色的管理: [value] [ ()] - the of a

改变角色的谋略: [value] [ ()] - the of a

改变角色的学问: [value] [ ()] - the of a

改变角色的勇猛: [value] [ ()] - the of a

删除角色的所有特质: [ ()] - all the of a

删除角色的所有修改器:fiers [ ()] - all the of a

为角色设置指定绰号:() [] [ ()] - Sets the to a

删除角色的绰号:() [ ()] - the of a

显示调试计时信息:timer - out debug info

开始调试计时: - debug

重新启动(重置并启动)调试计时: - ( and ) debug

重置调试计时: - debug

停止调试计时: - Stops debug

转储调试计时信息: - Dumps debug info

将计时器信息放入剪贴板:Ct - Puts timer info in

玩家立即建造:() - build

验证AI单位路径: - an AI unit's path






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